(Bradford and Calderdale against Climate Change) is the local branch of the National Campaign against Climate Change. We aim to raise awareness of the dangers of climate change, and to campaign locally and nationally for action to mitigate those dangers. We are non-sectarian and inclusive and will collaborate with any organisation or individual that seriously wishes to work for the preservation of relatively benign climate conditions.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Articles from today's press

Today's Science page in the good old Grauniad has all 3 stories related to climate change. Firstly, there's the melting permafrost, as reported yesterday. Secondly, if you thought you were greener on a motorbike, tough! You actually are less efficient than those four-wheeled foulers. Thirdly, Christmas is the pits, when it comes to emissions anyway! The most problematic things are those winking Santas and reindeer, but cooking a turkey for about a day and a half ain't good for the planet either. And think of all the heat you lose when you open the door to the Carol singers! Bah, humbug! I was going to wish you all a happy Christmas, too!

Also, there's an article available for downloading on the RUSI (Royal United Services Institute) website which takes climate change as an established fact and, as is its raisson d'etre, goes on to analyse its possible contribution to major conflicts (a bit like the Pentagon did a year or two ago). It's here.


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