(Bradford and Calderdale against Climate Change) is the local branch of the National Campaign against Climate Change. We aim to raise awareness of the dangers of climate change, and to campaign locally and nationally for action to mitigate those dangers. We are non-sectarian and inclusive and will collaborate with any organisation or individual that seriously wishes to work for the preservation of relatively benign climate conditions.

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Permafrost may disappear by 2100 say scientists

Well, the title says it all! Scientists at the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Colorado, USA have warned that there will be at least a 90% reduction in the Arctic permafrost. This has massive implications for ecosystems in the Arctic, and may have the side-effect of releasing much methane from frozen peat bogs. Methane is over twenty times as powerful a green house gas as CO2, and thus another positive feedback mechanism is set in motion. Read the full story in Science Daily, and on


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