Thursday, June 19, 2008
About Me
- Name: Brian
- Location: Bradford, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom
I lecture at Bradford College, am a UCU departmental rep and in RESPECT and the Campaign against Climate Change
- Google News
- Campaign Against Climate Change
- Climate Change Action: The very impressive blog of the Campaign Against Climate Change (Scotland)
- Climate Challenge: a government site
- 'High Tide'- Mark Lynas' site
- Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
- The Hadley Centre for Climate Prediction and research
- Climate Change and Global Warming from Global Issues
- The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
- Friends of the Earth Climate Page
- Stop Climate Chaos
- WWF's work on climate change
- Climate Research at the Environmental Change Institutes
- A history of how scientists discovered global warming
- Global Climate Change Student Guide from MMU
- Climate Care
- People and Planet
- Greenpeace: Choose Clean Energy
- Climate Action Network Europe
- Union of Concerned Scientists on Climate Change
- A Multimedia Presentation on Climate Change
- Climate Ark: Climate Change Portal
- GreenNet's Climate Change page
- Climate Radio: interviews with the experts on mp3
- Operation Noah: the churches' climate change campaign
- Climate Crash: online book about abrupt climate change
- Abrupt Climate Change: another online book
- Stop Climate Chaos Leeds
- Leeds Carbon Reduction Action Group
Previous Posts
- This blog will belong to BaCCaCC (Bradford and Cal...
- Top NASA Scientist speaks out on Climate Change
- Campaign against Climate Change: National planning...
- Lovelock and Nuclear Power
- Sharp increase in carbon levels in atmosphere mean...
- Climate Change Sceptic Converted
- Effects of climate change on wildlife
- Bad news: carbon offsets and global dimming
- Articles from today's press
- Permafrost may disappear by 2100 say scientists